Purging 101

When using corrective skincare products, a purge may occur, this occurrence doesn't always align with your expectations. A purge will resemble a breakout, leading you to abandon the products prematurely, denying them the opportunity to showcase their transformative effects. This phenomenon is commonly known as the purge. Let's delve into why embracing it is more beneficial than fearing it.

Beneath the surface of your skin lies congestion (dead skin, oil plugs, bacteria). Microcomedones, the precursors to pimples, are silently developing deep within the follicles long before they become visible. The emergence of a pimple takes approximately thirty days, the duration of the average skin cell cycle.

Skincare products containing active ingredients such as retinoids & acids speed up the cellular timeline and propel everything beneath to the surface of the skin at an accelerated pace. This may give the impression of a sudden flare-up, leading you to attribute it to the product. However, in reality, the product is diligently fulfilling its purpose. This phase can be likened to the storm before the calm, or what we refer to as the "worse before better" paradox.

Ingredients like acids or retinoids work to expedite cell turnover and enhance the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Ultimately, this process unveils fresh, new skin and serves as a preventive measure against the formation of new pimples. Nevertheless, there exists an awkward in-between phase that may not be as pleasant.

How does a purge differ from a regular breakout?

Technically, a purge is a type of breakout, but it's one that's expedited by skincare products. All pimples originate deep in the follicle when dead skin cells combine with sebum, creating an impaction that fosters bacteria, and inflammation, and eventually results in a blemish. Increased cellular turnover accelerates the impaction to the surface, bringing the blemish to light sooner.

The crucial distinction lies in the fact that the same cell turnover that sped up the pimple's appearance will also facilitate its removal. This means that the blemish disappears in less time than the typical cycle of a pimple forming, emerging, and subsiding.

Can products ever cause a genuine breakout or reaction?

Yes. Products containing comedogenic ingredients can clog pores, leading to a flare-up unrelated to the accelerated process described earlier. This may occur with heavy creams or certain oils, with coconut oil being a notable culprit.

What is an acclimation period?

Active ingredients can induce redness, dryness, and flaking, potentially mistaken for a reaction. However, this is part of the accelerated cell turnover. If your skin becomes inflamed, raw, or painful, it's a signal to pause. In such cases, restrict your routine to a gentle cleanser and a soothing moisturizer until your skin heals. Gradually resume every other day until acclimated before moving to daily use.

Will every new product trigger a purge?

The purging effect varies among individuals, with some experiencing it more intensely than others or not at all. Skin types differ, and those prone to breakouts are more likely to experience a purge due to pre-existing pimples under the surface. Remember, if a purge occurs, it's temporary and indicative that your skincare is actively working.

Need assistance on your skincare journey? Uncertain if it's a purge or a reaction? Wondering about the adequacy of your peeling process? Feel free to reach out for guidance.


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Acclimation Period